Things I've made trying to put my dent in the universe.

A list of projects I've worked on, I'm working on and I will work on.

  • Leverages deep learning for phishing detection, using Golang APIs for backend, SurrealDB for data management, and Milvus for vector similarity search. Redis handles caching, Next.js powers the front-end, and Ollama supports language processing. Integrated with Gmail and Outlook for real-time threat detection.

  • A personal website built with Next.js, utilizing Notion as a headless CMS. It features automated Open Graph image generation with lambda functions and Puppeteer, styled using Tailwind CSS.

  • An interactive 3D website built using Three.js, featuring a custom 3D scene with assets created in Blender and exported as GLTF files. The site seamlessly integrates the main personal website,, within the 3D environment, providing a unique and immersive browsing experience.

  • A simple web application for creating minimalist, print-friendly CVs. Built with Next.js and shadcn/ui, it features a single config file setup, auto-generated layout, responsive design, and optimization for Next.js and Vercel deployment.

  • Developed a unique personal website emulating a Linux terminal interface on the web using NextJS and React.

  • Journal AI

    Journal AI is a chatbot that helps users log daily journals and prepare for therapy sessions. Using Telegram, it stores entries in MongoDB and embeds them in a vector store for enhanced querying. Leveraging Ollama's LLM with LangChain, it provides summarization, topic identification, and report generation.

  • Custom Multimodal Artificial Intelligence Chatbot

    Developed a Modular Multimodal, Reasoning, Knowledge and Language Chatbot using open-source large language and vision models with custom agents and vector databases for custom knowledge base.

  • DDNS Service

    Developed a custom Dynamic DNS (DDNS) service using Golang, designed to update DNS records automatically in AWS Route 53 and Cloudflare. This service ensures that the DNS records are always up-to-date with the server's current IP address, facilitating reliable and seamless access to hosted services.

  • Algorithmic Trading Bot

    Designed and implemented a algorithmic trading bot that analyses cryptocurrency market data and executes trades based on pre-set parameters and trading strategies using market technical analysis, achieving consistent profits and reducing risk.

  • Portsniffer

    PortSniffer, built with Go and the Charm Bracelet Bubble Tea library, is a swift, user-friendly tool for scanning open ports and identifying services, using a local SQLite database, ideal for network diagnostics and security.

  • School Resource Booking App

    Created an app that automates the booking of school resources for group study, streamlining the coordination of schedules and reservations. This efficient solution is built with Python, MySQL, and integrates the Telegram API, Docker, CI/CD via Github Actions, and is hosted on Linode cloud services.